“My stamina and strength are remarkable!”

Fitness has stopped being a seasonal event since I began training with Mario. Given my work as a learning specialist, I spend many hours bending over students’ desks and sitting at the computer. Now, despite a once debilitating back condition, I am able to stand, stoop, and sit for what sometimes seems to be an eternity without agonizing pain. Functional fitness.  Mario has helped me to maintain … [Read more...]

” I am more fit than ever!”

Choosing to work with Mario was one of the best things I have done for myself. His breadth of knowledge and experience, combined with attentive listening, make him an excellent trainer. I came to Mario with a hip and knee injury that kept me from training in the Brazilian martial art, Capoeira. After three months of work with Mario, I am now able to practice Capoiera, and I am more fit than ever. … [Read more...]

“I feel like I am going to live forever”

"I started working out with Mario mostly out of self-preservation.  I used to be relatively well fit in my twenties and thirties, but in my fifties I found myself working every waking moment of my life to build our growing architectural practice.  This resulted in a lack of conditioning, putting on weight and getting out of shape.  All previous attempts at maintaining an organized workout had … [Read more...]

“I’ve seen huge improvements!”

I started training with Mario in February 2009 to improve my strength and flexibility. During our first session, Mario conducted a number of tests to assess my current conditioning. Then he tailored a fitness program to meet my needs. What sets Mario apart from other trainers is his understanding of functional anatomy, listening skills and patience. Additionally, he knows how to inspire and … [Read more...]

10 Best Foods for Your Heart

Simple food choices go a long way when it comes to your heart's health. Focusing on fresh foods full of heart-healthy fats and antioxidants can decrease your risk of developing heart disease and cut your chances of a heart attack. These 10 foods will help keep your ticker in top shape. Oatmeal Start your day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and … [Read more...]

Be The Healthy Role Model For Your Family

Childhood obesity, underage drinking, smoking and failure to exercise are all concerns for parents these days. If you want your kids to adopt a healthier, wiser lifestyle, you are going to have to show them the light. Children often learn best by example. Lead and they will likely follow. How can you set the example and get them off on the right foot if your habits aren’t that great? Consider … [Read more...]

Vanilla Spice Oatmeal

Ingredients 3 1/2 cups water 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional 2 cups old-fashioned oats 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped, optional 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch nutmeg 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, plus more, to taste 1 cup lowfat milk, divided 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon … [Read more...]

Sample Event Slated

What: 5 Strategies for Weight Loss Seminar Where: The Studio (3 Blocks from Lionhess Elementary School) When: From 7pm - 8:30-pm More Info: Email or Call Us! … [Read more...]


COMING SOON! … [Read more...]

What Is Your Favorite Post-Workout Meal?

We all know it's best to have a healthy snack after working out. Studies have shown that eating a small meal of protein and healthy carbs helps increase the benefits of your workout and speeds up the fat loss process. So what's your favorite post workout meal? Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite healthy after-workout snack. … [Read more...]