In the past, your health club in Oakland has noticed that by late spring, everyone is thinking about getting fit for the summer season ahead. Who wants to look poorly in a bathing suit? The trouble often starts when unrealistic goals are set. So what can you do to ensure greater fitness success as you prepare for the summer ahead? How can you increase your odds of reaching your summer fitness goals?
Start With Realistic Plans
Sure, we’d all like to look like the leading swimsuit model (male or female), but given the time constraints between now and summer, that may not be achievable—particularly if you have not been exercising at your health club in Oakland to begin with. Achieving real, lasting, safe, and healthy fitness results takes time and effort. Maybe you can manage the effort, but do you still have the time?
The first thing you need to do to get ready for summer is to set goals for yourself. Think about what you can achieve in the time left between now and shorts-time, and set goals that can really be reasonably achieved. Consider everything that is going on in your life, the amount of time you have to devote to fitness and the other areas that you can change to help (like eating better, getting more sleep….). Plan a schedule to exercise at your local health club in Oakland that will work well with all that you have going on in the rest of your life.
Get Help With Your Plan Of Action
Too often, we try to go it alone when we prepare for summer and we use ineffective methods of achieving our fitness goals. To maximize the time you have left and really get off on a course that can achieve the goals you’ve (reasonably) set, you’ll need the help of a pro—a professional trainer, that is.
A professional trainer will first take a look at your goals and discuss them with you. If you’ve set them too high, he or she will help you come back down to earth. If you’ve set them too low, he or she will show you how you can up your game and net even greater results.
In addition, your personal trainer will also help you break those goals down into smaller, more achievable parts so that you can enjoy success sooner than the summer—priming you for motivation and continuation. Once realistic goals are committed, the work turns to coordinating a fitness plan targeted specifically to each goal.
It seems every one of us has at some point fallen victim to deflated dreams of summer fitness success. Many people lose sight of their goals and go to the health club in Oakland less and less as time goes on. This year, make a big difference in your life by preparing ahead of time. Set goals that you can accomplish and enlist the support of your health club in Oakland as well as the expertise of one who knows. Before you know it, summer will be here, and the new you will be, too.
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